
How to survive through hardships in life.

12 三月, 2012

We all know for a fact that life is never smooth-sailing. But not many will experience it for themselves how bad it is. Blessed ones, I call it. Unfortunately there remains a huge fraction of us live to taste the bitterness of what life actually brings. Surviving hardships in life has always been a unique and individualised journey. Some welcomed it with courage and breezed through the process whilst others find them too over-whelming to shoulder. People surviving and overcoming hardships are known as ‘warriors in life’, as such. There are also defenders of stress who chose to end their life in misery or suffer from depression. Truth is, are we really defeated? Perhaps we are just not ready to resolve them yet.

Having a low threshold of tolerance for hardships however does not necessary put you on the losing end. On the contrary, over-stretching your limits will not guarantee yourself having an edge over others in life. Are hardships pure challenges in life? Or they just exist to kill us?

Undoubtedly, there are times when you can’t help but feeling all is lost. There’s no way out and you just don’t know how to carry on anymore. Perhaps the only power that is left of you will be letting it all out. If you can tear out your heart and wail out to the stars you will gladly do it. Simply sounds too familiar, isn’t it? But we all know for a fact that deep down, even crying doesn’t solve anything. You still need practical solutions.

Remember solutions to problems do not simply drop from the sky. Even a 12-year-old kid can tell you that. Make use of your existing resources. Tangible resources such as finance assistance are often much easier to get as compared to intangible needs. However, social support is always available regardless of the area you live in. Having someone to hear and share your woes is probably one of the most comforting help ever provided and received.

At the end of the day, none of us like the feeling of being left-out and abandoned by our families and friends. Rest assured no matter how awful your situation is, you are never alone. It’s true that there are times when you just don’t feel like sharing. You hate sympathy from people. Yet you find it hard in seeking empathy. Or rather, you hate it when many claimed they understand your situation when they haven’t even been through it at all. All these comforting words just seemed so superficial and unconvincing. You just don’t know how to trust anymore. You simply shut your doors against the world. But think about this. Have you ever give others a chance to unlock them?

Hardships, problems, challenges exist for a reason. They are here to make us learn and become stronger. Believe it or not, they help us to survive in life. In a way or other they act as alarms in our body systems and prepare us for Fight or Flight response. We react so by gearing ourselves to prepare for the battle. You can never guarantee yourself winning every battle; but you gain insight every time you decide to fight instead of running away. If you are incapable of resolving a problem at that moment, you are most likely able to solve it the next time round.

Remember hardships can never kill you. They can only make you weak emotionally. But you can if you surrender yourself to them. So save yourself and make the wise choice.

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