

家, 对现代人而言,有着不一样的含义。
随着时代的变迁,人情味淡如水已是必然的事。爱情,亲情, 友情在现实社会的蹂蔺下, 变得比纸还薄。现代人的生活充满了对工作的挑战和压力。一天二十四小时,呆在办公室里的时间已超过八小时。家,只不过是个让疲累的身躯歇息的地方而已。或者,匆匆忙忙地回家扒口饭, 又迫不急待地冲出家门赶着赴约。家的含义,又岂能如此低微?
徒然的挣扎,让灵姗顿时精神和肉体面临崩溃。在泪声惧下的那一刻,灵姗清楚地知道一个可怕的事实:原来今天,她,回不了家。等着她的“新家”,是个跟地狱一样可怕的深渊。灵姗要回家。她想着妈妈唠叨的声音。她饿了,她要吃妈妈煮的饭菜。她还想念她最喜 欢 的大床和爸爸买给她的狗熊。如果能再过份一点,她还想去看看雨霖,问问他为何要离开她,为什麽要分手。




There is no hope of doing perfect research (griffith’s, 1998, p97). Do you agree?


Yes, I agree with the above statement that “There is no hope of doing perfect research". With reference to the Advanced Learners’ dictionary of current English defines the meaning of research as ‘careful investigation or enquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge.’ Despite the fact that many people may view the definition of research differently, it is a journey of acquiring additional knowledge to substantiate what we already know.

Mankind has always curious therefore; we need to satisfy the hunger to pursue the unknown. One may view it as a continuous quest to venture from the known to the unknown. Gathering all we have already learnt, and going through a process of searching again, sums up the idea of research according to a layman’s definition. It is a never ending process that goes hand in hand along Mankind’s existence. Thus, it is abundantly clear that research can never be perfect and cannot be perfect, as the idea of ‘perfection’ will mean an end to Man’s venture for any fresh knowledge. It is obvious that one can never survive without self improvement, and this scenario is almost impossible to today’s society. If Man do not replenish new knowledge on a timely basis, there will not be any progression in this world.

Inventions, technology advancements, medical science discovery and intellectual growth of man will all come an end, where the damage is irreversible and ultimately may lead to the destruction of mankind. The fantastic news is, it is nearly impossible to achieve a state of perfection in conducting research simple because it will mark the end of a next possible research. Being imperfect, in this case, does have its advantages. This helps to pave the way for new attempts and continuation of the ‘cycle’ of knowledge. Thus, the lack of attaining perfection in every research open doors for the next, and so the cycle goes round in a meaningful expression.


Now we all know for a fact that no one is perfect. No man can proclaim he or she is perfect. At the most, we can only argue that we are always attempting to be perfect. So does the journey of researching. The imperfect man does his research diligently, completes his research. Feeling satisfied that he had learned and accomplishes the research for his optimal level, he exits, leaving a substantial room of undiscovered knowledge to the next person. So the second man comes in soon after, and continues the journey where the latter had stopped. As humans, we all need a certain degree of help from each other to enhance ourselves. In this case, an imperfect man helps another imperfect person to narrow the loopholes and faults as much as possible with the hope of attaining perfection, or at least, closer to it. A classic example of this scenario in reality will mean having personal bias, differences in character traits, different levels of existing knowledge and interpreting abilities in a person that can affect the outcome of one’s research. There are many types of researches in which every single type is being conducted differently from the other, which means that limitations and pitfalls are expected to occur during the process of researching. Systematic errors, on the other hand, causes variations in results in terms of true and observed values. Random errors tend to occur in sampling methods or in conducting surveys due to differences in expressing languages.


Trial and error methods typically run the highest risks of imperfection in researches. I had such an experience in conducting one of my first researches during school. I was leading a team of 6 people to conduct a random survey in tasting different flavours of ice cream. After a significant amount had been spent on researches, we decided to narrow the targeted audience. We had to focus on people between the age group of 15-45 limited to 6 different flavours of ice cream. I would say it was quite a tedious tasks as there were several issues; involved deciding which flavours to buy, the age range of the consumers involved etc. However, the real challenges that I realized was the differences in one’s personality, working style and intellectual capabilities that form the greatest barriers amongst us. There was clearly a lack of co-operation and lack of precision no matter no hard we tried to accommodate and compensate each other’s shortcomings. Although the study was completed successfully in the end, it is quite obvious that certain essential elements are lacking in the research. Therefore, we would not consider it as a perfect research done.


The second research is to confirm there is a relationship between epilepsy and menstruation. There were 100 female participants between the age of 13-45. It was discovered by one research group that during cycles when women does not ovulate, they had 28% increase in risk of an epilepsy relapse. However, later this discovery was challenged by another research group that ovulation days does not have any direct impact on epilepsy. There were room for doubts and elements of inaccuracy. My personal opinion gave a supporting verdict to the second group that epilepsy attacks were not directly linked to menstruation simply because if its proven to be true, it will mean women are more likely to have epilepsy as compared to men. This will undoubtedly leads to another possible research to the unknown.


Fact remains if research can be perfected, there will not be such cases of inaccuracy and questioning of the truth between us. Therefore, I support the view of there is no hope in conducting a perfect research. Research can only be improved to near perfection, but it can never be 100% perfect, because man created the need for research, but we are still imperfect. This is a practical reality that mankind has to face.


works cited:






Herzog AG, Harden CL, Liporace JD, Pennell PB, Schomer DL, Sperling MR, Taylor G, Nikolov B, Newman ML, Fowler KM. Some relationships among ovulation rates, menstrual cycle intervals and seizure frequency: Preliminary data analysis in a prospective multicenter investigation. Neurology 2006;66(Suppl 2):A342.

Memoirs of a Loving Mum

A true account based on the life experiences of a loving mother to her only daughter, this short story depicts the strong, yet contrasting emotions of a young inspiring lawyer on her mum, whom she thought was nothing but a loser in life. Yet circumstances have proven likewise. Read on and let your emotions flow.

The Story

It doesn’t strike so much to me as a pure coincidence to see her again. And here she is, walking along the streets of Keong Siak puffing away with a cigarette in hand.” Cold – calling for business, eh?” I thought to myself. The year was 2003. It was barely half-past five, a typical Wednesday afternoon. The sun was shining up high. It’s certainly not the best time of the day for anything. But to her, the day had just begun.
She is my Mum. Or is she? I guessed so. It’s hard to imagine myself being borne by her. Difficult it may seem I tried convincing myself umpteen times for so many years. Futile attempts after attempts. Things are not going to make any difference anyway. My maternal grandma meant the most to me, not her. It had always been this case. At least for the past 28 years she had always been in my mind. And perhaps for the rest of my life till my very last breath she will be the only one in my heart. Even years after her demise, I missed her terribly.

And who is this stranger again that I have just met?

I was told she absconded from the labour ward before I can even feel myself cradled in her arms way back in 1972. My grandma brought me home from the hospital only a week later. She came back home the very next day, asking for $2000. No one knew where she had been for the past seven days. Or simply, no one really bothered to question. Her just reward, she claimed. I didn’t realised I was worth only two grand to her. This is a practical joke, isn’t it? I couldn’t agree more.

It didn’t come to me as a surprise that she did not get what she wanted. We were poor those days. I was glad she didn’t push her luck or create trouble. She simply stayed on with us. At times she disappears for a week or two. The longest I ever recalled was two months. But never once did she ever bring money home to supplement the house expenditures. She spends her time at home idling or drinking. Perhaps pinching my cheek or gave me a lollypop was the best thing she can ever do in a good mood.

Grandpa was a welder and grandma had to stop her laundry job to take care of me. Making ends meet with a total household income of barely $900 seemed a great challenge. But it wasn’t impossible. I had 12 years of education, a computer, my favourite Disney toy, pocket money and even occasional treats to Macdonald’s. It was amazing with these meagre monthly bread and butter I can get all I ever needed and desired through my growing years. I didn’t have many new toys though, perhaps one or two every year on my birthdays. That’s enough for me. I simply hated lollypops.

Days were looking better for us when I got my Scholarship for Overseas studies. Everything was paid for and grandpa made a small profit selling our old house. It was during this time she ran away from home again, but for the final time. I never saw her again. Not even when I came back from England four years later with a 1st Class Honours Degree in Law.

I started my own firm in 2000 after working four years as a corporate lawyer in one of the most established law firms in town with impressive staff strength of 20. I held a grand celebration for Grandpa’s 70th Birthday at Ritz Carlton Hotel along with grandma and some other relatives. A month earlier I got us a private bungalow house after throwing a couple of millions taking over and renovation as his birthday gift. Both Grandpa and Grandma were envied by our relatives for who I have become now. There is nothing as strong as the love we had for each other. A real family is all that matters to me.

Since young I have perceived her as a missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle to our family. An unwelcomed piece of the family puzzles to be stomped on and crushed like an insect. Not everyone is blessed with a mother’s love and bondage. I have to admit this for a fact. But I don’t need her at all. Not then, not now. Not in many years to come as well.

I was so deeply engrossed reminiscing the old memories as if it just occurred yesterday. I didn’t even realised she was approaching and waving to me assumingly. If she thinks I may ever change my mind in letting her back into the family, that’s clearly wishful thinking. Extorting money from me perhaps, I rather donate it all to charity than saving a penny for her. Whatever it is, I just need to be on my guard for now and see what comes along the way.

It came as a big shock to me when she did not reacts the way I would expect her to. “You shouldn’t be here, my dear.” She said in an unusually calm tone. “It’s not safe for a young lady like you. Since you’re here, perhaps you can come over to my place for a little while. It’s been ages since I last saw you.” I was obviously dumbfounded. I was gearing up all my defences when she countered it so indifferently.

Suddenly she sounded like an old friend whom I have not met for a very long time. This feeling is over-whelming and I had difficulty resisting it. I simply can’t bring myself to say no.

It was a briefly short visit though, lasting no more than ten minutes. The apartment was co-shared by six other women whom are her friends in the same profession. She had become a social escort since I last saw her. Paid sex provider, I thought to myself. Now this is the truth I have been waiting for all these years. And this filthy woman is none other than my biological mum. I couldn’t take it anymore, and I left when she went off the kitchen to get me a drink. I took out a small stack of $50 notes and casted it on the coffee table. That’s it. This is the furthest I can stretch my heart out to her.

I didn’t tell anyone in the family I saw her. Not even my Grandpa. This part of my memory is so devastating that I just wanted to erase it off without a trace. Life will still go on forgetting unhappy stuff. Repression is the best and only thing that I could rely on. News of her death came two months later after I last saw her. It was terminal stage of liver cancer that took her life. She was only 46 then. Honestly I was a little surprised but certainly not deeply shocked. She had been an incorrigible alcoholic all her life.

Perhaps she had known right from the start that drowning her sorrows in liquor will eventually cost her own life.

As much as I was reluctant to break the news to my grandparents, I knew I had to do it. She was their only daughter. The funeral possessions lasted for a week and I had to make a trip to her old apartment, clearing all her belongings and make way for the new tenant. In fact, there wasn’t much to pack. I guessed she knew she was dying and gave away most of her clothes and other stuff. But she left a letter and a rusty, old metal tin underneath her pillow.

I opened the box out of curiosity. And till my dying day, I wished I hadn’t. I don’t want my heart to melt. Yet it did. The rusty tin had nothing more than 28 sticks of lollypops in it, with an old photograph of her posing with a lollypop with my grandparents when she was a kid. It was her favourite sweet. Perhaps she thought it’s mine as well. I opened up the letter as fast as I could. There were only a couple of sentences: “I knew you must have hated me. But if I could, if I still may, I would like to hold you for the very first time in my arms. I don’t know how it feels like. But I knew it would be wonderful.”

There was another message at the back of the old photograph that says, “Lollypops make me forget my unhappiness. May your life be as sweet as it can ever be? Love, Mom.”

An old newspaper article that was slipped silently between the letters fell onto the floor. It reads, “17 year old university law student raped on her way home from school. Depression caused her to attempted suicide when she knew she was pregnant.”

She had it all along in her. She knew my existence is to realise her unfulfilled dream as a top lawyer. I never knew we had so much in common. But she knew.

For the very first time in my life, I want to remember that I have a mum. And I love her.


Nothing evokes human emotions more than pure love. Inspired by this true life account, this story will continue to rekindle kinship between mums and their children more than anything else in this world.

Tips on Writing a Perfect Journal Critique

Have you ever found yourself stuck onto a piece of blank paper aimlessly like a piece of over-stretched rubber band? Fruitless attempts after attempts on editing, deleting irrelevant information and writing back and forth doesn’t take you anywhere. You need practical help.

Tips on writing a presentable critique are arguably the wave of the requirements of the society and schools. Improving your craft on perfecting your journal critique have become a way of unleashing one’s academic talents and ignite creativity. For inspiring writers, one of the most effective ways of improving your self-knowledge is through multiple researches and journaling.

Writing a perfect journal critique is not all about trying desperately to find a way to impress your lecturers, hunting and beating around the bush with irrelevant points, giving redundant information when it’s uncalled for, and gathering the pieces of puzzles together attempting to form a complete article. This is a piece of useful advice, because in order to come up with a decent journal critique, you have to understand what it is all about.
Learn how to analyse the purpose, arguments, biases, assumptions and background of your article to find niche ideas for your critique. Scholar and Peer-reviewed journals are highly recommended for this purpose. Finding the targeted audience, highlighting strong statements that evoke great response from you makes an excellent jump start in structuring your critique. This approach solves the problem of planning, creating your introduction by organising your text while determining the suitability of the intended text for usage.

The format of writing a journal critique is mostly quite similar containing your personal analysis based on your targeted topic. Remember, we need facts, not opinions. This means you need to have a strong ground for arguments with concrete evidence to support your main points. Make it a point to stay informative on the background and recent developments of the topic even before you decide on the right journal to critique. Face it. There is no way you can lay your hands on the paper without knowing what it is all about in the first place. Fundamental knowledge, hence, is a critical factor determining the success of a critique.

Structure your article in a standard essay format. Needless to say, these comprises of a proper introduction, body and powerful conclusion. Define your subject of critiques and point of views clearly. Refrain from following the writing style of the author as there is a strong tendency one may subconsciously ended up doing a summary of the article instead of a proper critique.

Defend your view points with raised issues, aspects of arguments and evidence. Identify and elaborate author’s ideas and how they agree or disagree with you. Offer rationales and solutions to the arguments you have contested give you an edge over others. Share your thoughts and how you think about the journal article.

Concluding a journal critique is as important as the planning and executor phase in writing. Re-emphasising and summarising your arguments assembles all information into a very useful niche critique with a perfect finish. Be realistic of what a successful critique entails. Treat your piece of work as though it was any other of your favourite task that you wanted to excel at. Start planning by craving out specific blocks of time to work at it. Writing crap is better than not getting it started at all. It may be at your worst form or sub-standard, willing to continue writing is one of the most important keys in achieving success. In the end, it is only you who can build up your confidence in writing.

A Time to Say Goodbye

Here’s a moment of truth. When was the last time you said goodbye to someone? No one likes to say goodbye. Perhaps only saying it to our enemies will be the only reason. Yet many a times we have to let this word out of our mouth whether we like it or not. As mentioned, saying goodbye to people whom you hated or simply out of formality is easy. Think again. How many of us do actually have a second chance to say bye again? What if, that was the final goodbye? You’ll never know.

Bidding farewell to someone whom means a lot to you is both a tormenting and distressing experience. You feel the pain. Letting go is probably one of the best thing to do. But it can be one of the hardest barriers to overcome. To make matters worse, you thought you had forgotten all about it. Do you only remember the pain and woes that your heart brings? Perhaps your memories will continue to haunt till the day your heart is able to forget the miseries and pain.

On the contrary, surprising things you can do such as regression helps to minimise the negative impact of separation. Explore endless possibilities by engaging actively in conversations with your friends and families. Speak your mind. But do have some patience and expect disappointments in the initial stages. You just have to wait for the good things in life. This is the practical aspect we all have to face up to.

Bear in mind there are simply times we just have to let go. When all attempts to savage reconciliation are futile and hope is lost. You realised there is nothing more you can do. Saying goodbye probably is the best thing you can ever do to save yourself from sinking into depression. Most probably you are doing your love ones a good deed as well. You never know.

If you feel you are on the losing end by letting go, fear not. Factually speaking, those who learnt how to say goodbye appropriately earns the more respect from others. Remember, letting go takes numerous courage to muster. The good news is, once you have successfully mastered the skill, you find it hard to forget. Dealing with farewell and goodbye can be one of the toughest things ever.

Humans under the direct influence of modern civilisation handle relationships differently from the ancient times. Yet, we are still able to see many traits in common. Reason being Man has never stopped to love since his existence. Thus love transcends beyond time and ages along with Man himself. Yet the goodness of the human heart has perfected itself for many more years to come. The demand for a near perfect human relationship is almost impossible. We cannot stop or delay death and separation. But we can always do our very best to bid our best goodbye and farewell, even if it means a final time. This is one of the greatest devotion Man can ever give.

The Blind Spot of Man

You know you are smart. You find yourself having an edge over others at work, relationships and even in personal affairs. You feel invincible as a perfectionist. Can you ever imagine yourself being blind? Now open your eyes wide and pay attention to this. There may come a day you are unable to see. This is nothing about any health deficits of physical blindness. You can be as good as you want yourself to be. But if blinding your heart ruins everything in you.

Inability to see the goodness of one’s heart is deemed as the blind spots of Man. Many a times we failed to witness the happenings around us. With the modernisation of Mankind, we become complacent and ignorant to the fundamental principles of behavioural science. Unfathomable destinies, blessed fortunes have driven human’s fascination with frustration and disgust when the unexpected hits you.

What do I mean then? Inability to cope with uncertainties, financial woes, managing chronic health conditions are concrete examples of social stressors which impacts us greatly. In short, I call them the blind spots of Man. You cannot anticipate at which stage of your life they will strike their deadly blows. It is almost impossible to eliminate them all. Yet these blind spots continue to haunt us like plague. Do we moan in dismay? I supposed not. Not till we find effective ways to deal with them. We all know for a fact life is never smooth sailing.

Surviving with endless stream of woes and stressors has always been an individualised journey. Sadly, for majority of us this has always been a lonely battle that everyone has to go through.

Fighting blind spots takes time and courage to muster. Rest assured this is not impossible. Generally speaking, life experiences are all it takes to get yourself equipped for the unexpected storms in your life. No matter how awful your situation is, you never need to fight alone. This means getting realistic aid resources and emotional support to tide through difficult times. Factually, as a person ages with accumulated life experiences, anticipating and coping with blind spots no longer poses a threatening issue.

Attempting to fix problems that comes along the way evolves on past and current life issues. We seek to substantiate our insight of knowledge, choices in life and maintaining relationships in every way we could. Solutions are mostly unstated, yet brimming with hope and existence. This can be described as searching for a gem in an old mine. You never know when you will stumble upon one. You thought it is impossible. But you know when you do. This is the beauty of perfecting one’s foresight in predicting life events.

Human blind spots are vast, yet vaunted since beginning of humanity. Why not turn them into life opportunities that mark the best out of you? You never know what life brings. This can be a cruel fact like a double-edged sword. Yet most of us fail to appreciate the real potential of Man. We forgot how much we can stretch our hearts to. Now pause and listen to your heart. Feel its limit. The real threshold is beyond your imagination.

When You Are In Love

Have you ever been in love? I believe most of us did. Even if you haven’t, perhaps it will be good to try it out. Some of us want to be in love simply because we have never been in a relationship before. Yet others avoid love after they have past negative experiences. No matter which category you belong to, there is always room for change. Perhaps all you need is just a reason to convince yourself.

So here it goes. People in love experience biological, psychological changes. Neurochemicals in our bodies are accountable for the pleasurable feeling we feel physically. You get those annoying racing heartbeats, sweaty palms, even stutter as you speak. You just wished at times love can just be more straightforward. People fall in and out of love as a normal part of human life.

But it’s just not as simple as it seems. Getting over a broken heart is one of the most tormenting emotional pains. Your body, mind and soul simply disintegrate. You need ample time to heal and get back on your feet again. But only God knows how long every person needs to recover. Furthermore, most people get jitters when it comes to accepting and embracing love again. This is evidently true especially if you have been hurt terribly by the previous attempt.

Here are some pointers you may want to consider:

1) Acknowledge failed relationships.

We are not born to be perfect. There is no harm in acknowledging your failures. As humans, we make mistakes and misjudge others. Do not let hard facts defeat you. Admitting you are out of love is not the end of the world. Make full use of your singlehood to recharge and recover. Prepare yourself for the next potential person that comes along.

2) Face the facts and move on, no matter how difficult it may be.
You shed tears almost every night thinking no one in this world understands how you broken-hearted you feel. Think again. It doesn’t pay to waste your precious emotions over someone who is not worth the effort. Reserve your very best for the special person in your life. Most of us probably ponder when that may happen. Fact remains unknown. The destiny of love remains a mystery for those who are willing to give themselves a chance in exploring it.

3) Believe in love again.

Believe in love again. This is the best thing you can do. Believe in yourself that you can find love again. This requires utmost conviction from yourself and your partner. Remember true love comprises of faith, trust and companionship.

Incredible it may sound, there is always a special person waiting for you. Even if that means he or she is at the other end of the earth. But so long as the person exists, there is always hope that eventually two of you will end up with each other. Now isn’t this very comforting to hear? When you are in love, nothing is impossible. So stay in love.

How to survive through hardships in life.

We all know for a fact that life is never smooth-sailing. But not many will experience it for themselves how bad it is. Blessed ones, I call it. Unfortunately there remains a huge fraction of us live to taste the bitterness of what life actually brings. Surviving hardships in life has always been a unique and individualised journey. Some welcomed it with courage and breezed through the process whilst others find them too over-whelming to shoulder. People surviving and overcoming hardships are known as ‘warriors in life’, as such. There are also defenders of stress who chose to end their life in misery or suffer from depression. Truth is, are we really defeated? Perhaps we are just not ready to resolve them yet.

Having a low threshold of tolerance for hardships however does not necessary put you on the losing end. On the contrary, over-stretching your limits will not guarantee yourself having an edge over others in life. Are hardships pure challenges in life? Or they just exist to kill us?

Undoubtedly, there are times when you can’t help but feeling all is lost. There’s no way out and you just don’t know how to carry on anymore. Perhaps the only power that is left of you will be letting it all out. If you can tear out your heart and wail out to the stars you will gladly do it. Simply sounds too familiar, isn’t it? But we all know for a fact that deep down, even crying doesn’t solve anything. You still need practical solutions.

Remember solutions to problems do not simply drop from the sky. Even a 12-year-old kid can tell you that. Make use of your existing resources. Tangible resources such as finance assistance are often much easier to get as compared to intangible needs. However, social support is always available regardless of the area you live in. Having someone to hear and share your woes is probably one of the most comforting help ever provided and received.

At the end of the day, none of us like the feeling of being left-out and abandoned by our families and friends. Rest assured no matter how awful your situation is, you are never alone. It’s true that there are times when you just don’t feel like sharing. You hate sympathy from people. Yet you find it hard in seeking empathy. Or rather, you hate it when many claimed they understand your situation when they haven’t even been through it at all. All these comforting words just seemed so superficial and unconvincing. You just don’t know how to trust anymore. You simply shut your doors against the world. But think about this. Have you ever give others a chance to unlock them?

Hardships, problems, challenges exist for a reason. They are here to make us learn and become stronger. Believe it or not, they help us to survive in life. In a way or other they act as alarms in our body systems and prepare us for Fight or Flight response. We react so by gearing ourselves to prepare for the battle. You can never guarantee yourself winning every battle; but you gain insight every time you decide to fight instead of running away. If you are incapable of resolving a problem at that moment, you are most likely able to solve it the next time round.

Remember hardships can never kill you. They can only make you weak emotionally. But you can if you surrender yourself to them. So save yourself and make the wise choice.

Communication Essentials

The ability for effective communication is one of the vital factors to success. The key areas where principles include right techniques and asking right questions. Asking effective questions bridge the gap between a successful communicator and potential listener. Listening attentively is also crucial as one will find it difficult to communicate effectively without deciphering the question in the first place.

If you have difficulty in speaking confidently in public, try formulating questions on a piece of paper before verbalizing. Ask questions of a precise nature and avoid ambiguous statements. Objectives and goals are taken into consideration before presenting it in life situations. Successful communication wins one contacts, positive comments, as well as increased level of motivation and confidence in public speaking. Speak articulately and competently are a part of every successful communication. Follow these tips to make the process productive and effective.

If a problem arises from miscommunication, adopt a different method of communication and resolve the conflict as soon as possible. While implementing solutions in mediating peace between the parties are important, mutual compromising is also essential. The rule of thumb is to limit virtual communication channels such as, email, online chatting, and phone messages. The reason is such channels are devoid of human touch which makes it inevitable in preventing miscommunication from arising. If one has handled communication via emails, it will be advisable to make personal calls to the other party to resolve the conflict and miscommunication.

Thus, face to face networking can create deep impression on people and taking communication effectively to the next level. Good example will be networking events and conferences.

Communicate confidently. Use proper hand gestures, body language and facial expressions to support your confidence level. Smile sincerely; keep up close eye contacts and using firm handshakes while communicating at networking events. Before one goes for the event, it will be beneficial to practise the skills at home. Work on your introduction with your family and someone you trust makes the job easier. These people are more likely to offer genuine and positive feedbacks.

Successful communication is not an impossible task to achieve after all. People find it tough to master effective techniques of communication often push the blame on its perceived complex nature than seeing the overall picture. If this is really getting out of hand, do seek professional help. Speech therapies, enrichment classes aims to help people gain confidence in public speaking and effective daily communication. Many have since benefited from these programs.